Archive Search

  • Lagoglyphs -
    Event: LagoglyphsInstitution: Factoria HabanaComment:
  • SilvrettAtelier 2012 -
    Event: SilvrettAtelier 2012Institution: Kunst Palais LiechtensteinComment:
  • SilvrettAtelier 2012 -
    Event: SilvrettAtelier 2012Institution: Kunst Palais LiechtensteinComment:
  • onwards and upwards -
    Event: onwards and upwardsInstitution: unttld contemporaryComment:
  • Mirrors of the Unseen -
    Event: Mirrors of the UnseenInstitution: Galerie Grita InsamComment:
  • Beyond the Horizon -
    Event: Beyond the HorizonInstitution: ADM GalleryComment:
    Event: DO NOT CROSSInstitution: allerArt BludenzComment:
  • Sm art C -
    Event: Sm art CInstitution: Universität für Angewandte Kunst WienComment:
  • Là-bas… -
    Event: Là-bas…Institution: Lutherkirche TurmComment:
  • Gegenwelten -
    In cooperation with Roemer- und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim