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  • The fourth International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Rewire, was hosted by FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) and held in Liverpool, UK, from 28th September to 30th September 2011, In collaboration...
  • The 5th International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology, Renew, will be hosted by RIXC and held in Riga, Latvia, October 8 – 11, 2013, coinciding with the international festival for new media culture Art+Communication....
  • Subtle Technologies 2011: Where Art and Science Meet.
  • The main Festival days (Friday May 25, Saturday May 26 and Sunday May 27) have each different related themes:

    Friday May 25: Art, technology & science ideas, selected from a variety of different fields
    Saturday May 26: Biology and Art — artists...
  • III International Meeting of Art and TechnoScience: expanded sensorium, health and Bioart
  • 2011 – the year of the tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan – but also the year of celebrations to mark 150 years of friendship between Germany and Japan. EMAF joined in the festivities by presenting the programme “Japanese Media Art Now”, reflected...
  • VIDA 13.2
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards
  • VIDA 14.0
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards
  • VIDA 15.0
    VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards
  • You Planet -
    Event: You PlanetInstitution: ServusTV-Terra MaterComment: