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  • Event: Nuit Blances 2015Institution: Nuit Blanches Comment:
  • Event: Exhibition N-PolytopeInstitution: Stattbad WeddingComment:
  • Event: N-Polytope Vitra Version at Buckminster Fuller / T.C. Howard domeInstitution: Vitra Design MuseumComment:
  • Temos uma Questão! -
    In preparation for hosting the 2016 Olympic Games, Brazilian officials promised to clean up Guanabara Bay, where sailing, rowing and windsurfing competitions will be held. The water is heavily polluted, with nearly 70% of Rio de Janeiro’s untreated...
  • The "UFF" situation took place in Graz, Austria from 17-22 May 2013 and was concerned with food generally, and more specifically with the industrialisation of Austrian farming practices and the impact of this on animal welfare, the environment, and...
  • Peopoly -
    The third "situation" took place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 15-18 April 2013 with the them of global mobility and migration. The performance, called Peopoly, used the structure of a board game to explore the experiences of different visitors to...
  • Recycle a Boeing -
    The second in the series of networked performances: “We have a Situation…” The participants in Nantes explored the realm of Aircraft recycling – a subject that came about through discussions addressing Nantes’ own second airport conflict and the...
  • e-waste -
    The first "We have a Situation!" workshop series exploring the problem of e-waste and the creative potential of digital and online technologies took place in London between 19-22 March 2013 with the networked performative event on Saturday 23 March...
  • "Unaussprechbarlich" was presented at the "Magdalena München - In Between" weekend, October 2016. Previously it was presented at Schwere Reiter Theater and Lothringer13 (both in Munich).
  • The 11:11:11 UpStage Festival took place on 11th November 2011 (with a bit on the 10th and 12th, depending on where you are in the world). This was the 5th annual festival of cyberformance in UpStage.