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  • ... analogue and digital formats, with her current focus...
  • ... technology-driven art forms and to encourage high...
  • from University of Tokyo for her theoretical study on... Machiko Kusahara is a scholar in media art, digital media culture and...
  • ... as a contribution to what he calls “exhibition... / Alien Intelligence” for KIASMA Museum of Contemporary Art...
  • ... 2011). The new monograph What is Media Archaeology? was... at the Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design... in the age of digital machines”) and his Digital...
  • ... Media Art Education (forthcoming), published by...
  • ... Federal Juiz de Fora (Brazil), KunstUniversität... Tallinn, 2016), Extimacy. Art, intimacy and technology...
  • ... an active created or controlled space,...
  • ... an online platform for the promotion and education...