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  • ... to Virtual Worlds. In conjunction with her PhD she curated the online exhibition With her curatorial work,...
  • ... website on art, has carried the project for 20 years (with an online and paper review, exhibitions, a virtual art center, the...
  • ... and aesthetics. In 2018 she founded WIP arte digital, an online platform for the promotion and education in digital arts where...
  • ... Team in large scale projects including the development of an online repository for digital learning objects, and she has written an...
  • ... 2005 Grau was also head of the of the Goettweig Graphic Print Online-Collection, Austria's largest private collection with 30.000...
  • Doutoranda em Artes Visuais PPGAV/UFRGS. Mestre em Artes Visuais com ênfase em Arte e Tecnologia PPGART/UFSM. Em 2014, publicou o livro "O 'curto-circuito' da arte digital no Brasil" e organizou o e-book de entrevistas "Arte-ciência-tecnologia: o
  • Currently Director of NEoN Digital Arts. NEoN Digital Arts (SCIO) aims to advance the understanding and accessibility of digital and technology-driven art forms and to encourage high quality within the production of this medium. NEoN has organised
  • Fundador y director de y Daft Gallery. Sociólogo especializado en la relación entre el arte y las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación 2.0. es una iniciativa independiente para promover y apoyar el Net.Art y el Arte