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  • ... (Casal Solleric, 2018), Real Time. Art en temps real...
  • ... her current focus on real-time, code-driven...
  • Erkki Huhtamo works as a professor at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Departments of Design Media Arts, and Film, Television, and Digital Media. He received his Ph.D. in cultural history from the University of Turku, Finland.
  • Patrícia Gouveia is an artist, designer, scholar, and curator with more than twenty years of research experience in arts, design, gaming, and interaction. She has been working in Interactive Arts and Design since the 1990s. Her research focuses on
  • Everardo REYES is an academic who works in the fields of information design, media art, hypermedia, and digital culture.
  • Sjoukje van der Meulen is an art historian, theorist and critic with a research focus on new media and digital culture. She received her PhD from the GSAPP at Columbia University (New York, 2009). She lived in the United States for 15 years
  • ... as well as on virtual reality in visual arts. She is...
  • Sean Cubitt is Professor of Film and Television and co-Head of the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London; Professorial Fellow of the University of Melbourne and Honorary Professor of the University of Dundee. His
  • ... interfaces and mixed reality settings. Her...
  • Professora Adjunta no Departamento de Desenho Industrial/UFSM (2015-). Profª Colaboradora junto ao PPGART/UFSM (2017). Doutora em Artes Visuais pelo PPGAV/ UFRGS (2012 - 2016), em História, Teoria e Crítica de Arte, na linha de pesquisa Relações