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  • Tina Sauerlaender (she/her) is an art historian, curator, speaker and writer. She holds a PhD from The University of Arts, Linz, Austria. The title of her dissertation is PERFORMING IDENTITIES. Self-Representation in Art from the Renaissance to
  • Scholar: Melanie Appelt
  • Scholar/artist. Topics: Theories of the digital, conceptual writing, electronic literature
  • Scholar: Ghislaine Boddington
  • Scholar: Raquel Caerols Mateo
  • Patrícia Gouveia is an artist, designer, scholar, and curator with more than twenty years of research experience in arts, design, gaming, and interaction. She has been working in Interactive Arts and Design since the 1990s. Her research focuses on
  • Scholar: Amanda McDonald Crowley
  • Scholar: Isabel Meyer
  • Everardo REYES is an academic who works in the fields of information design, media art, hypermedia, and digital culture.
  • Scholar: Elizaveta Yuzhakova