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  • ... internationally in physical galleries and virtual spaces. She completed a PhD by research project in 2012 at RMIT University,...
  • ... Film and Television and co-Head of the Department of Media and Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London; Professorial...
  • ... on intermedia art: performance art, conceptual art, computer art and net art.
  • ... of the Jury of Prix Ars Electronica 2012 and the selection committee for PRO&CONTRA 2012 symposium (Moscow). In her work, she has...
  • ...Doutoranda em Artes Visuais PPGAV/UFRGS. Mestre em Artes Visuais com ênfase em Arte e Tecnologia PPGART/UFSM. Em 2014, publicou o livro "O...
  • ... based in Barcelona and specialized in Digital Cultural Communication, meaning both Digital Media Studies and Digital Art in...
  • ... participation in science. Her ethnographic work on various community labs and alternative R&D structures (Hackerspaces, Fablabs,...
  • ... of Art Education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He completed his doctoral work at Pennsylvania State University and his...
  • ... Kaunas, Lithuania. 2001: Professor of Media Art and Communication, Coker College, Hartsville S.C., USA. He writes about...
  • ... machines”) and his Digital Contagions: A Media Archaeology of Computer Viruses is published by Peter Lang, New York, Digital...