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  • Professora Adjunta no Departamento de Desenho Industrial/UFSM (2015-). Profª Colaboradora junto ao PPGART/UFSM (2017). Doutora em Artes Visuais pelo PPGAV/ UFRGS (2012 - 2016), em História, Teoria e Crítica de Arte, na linha de pesquisa Relações
  • ... Professor at the University of Sunderland,...
  • ...Jelena Guga is a theorist of arts and new media. Her work...
  • Scholar: Bruce Jenkins
  • Scholar: Douglas Kahn
  • ... Press 2003 (Book of the Month, Scientific American)...
  • Dozent für Kunstgeschichte im Studiengang KulturMediaTechnologie an der Musikhochschule Karlsruhe, freier Journalist, Kunstkritiker, Lektor, Vortragender, Dozent.
  • Scholar: Jen Kennedy
  • Scholar: Harald Klinke
  • Professor of modern culture and media, professor of history of art and architecture.