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  • Scholar: Taylor D. Grant
  • Scholar: Isabelle Gribomont
  • Scholar: Jens Hauser
  • ...Doutoranda em Artes... Doutoranda em Artes... Doutoranda em Artes... Doutoranda em Artes...
  • ... and... 2003),... with a... and... with a... at the... with a... and... and... at the... at the...
  • ... and new... with SPECS... and new... with SPECS... ena Guga is a theorist of... with SPECS... and new... and new... ena Guga is a theorist of... ena Guga is a theorist of...
  • Scholar: Bruce Jenkins
  • Scholar: Douglas Kahn
  • Dozent für Kunstgeschichte im Studiengang KulturMediaTechnologie an der Musikhochschule Karlsruhe, freier Journalist, Kunstkritiker, Lektor, Vortragender, Dozent.