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  • Machiko Kusahara is a scholar in media art, digital media culture and media history. She is a professor at Waseda University, Tokyo, and holds a Ph. D. in Engineering from University of Tokyo for her theoretical study on interplay between media...
  • Scholar: Luis Miguel Lopes Texeira
  • Scholar: Lisa Wolf
  • Lisa Cianci (A.K.A Blackaeonium) is an artist, archivist, and digital media developer from Melbourne, Australia. She makes art in both analogue and digital formats, with her current focus on real-time, code-driven animations, digital video, and...
  • Ksenia Fedorova is a media art researcher and curator. She holds Ph.D in Philosophy/Aesthetics (St.Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, RU) and is a PhD candidate at the Cultural Studies Graduate Group, University of California Davis. Her research interests...
  • Jussi Parikka is a media theorist, writer and Professor in Technological Culture & Aesthetics at Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton). Parikka has a PhD in Cultural History from the University of Turku, Finland and in addition, he is...
  • (Buenos Aires, 1981) Works as an independent curator and cultural practitioner specialized in the digital and electronic scene. Her actual curatorial research is based on the development of Semiotopías, a neologism and curatorial saga she created as...
  • Scholar: Julia Pelta Feldman
  • Scholar: José-Carlos Mariátegui
  • José R. Alcalá is a media artist, curator, and researcher. Head Professor of New Media Art at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Director of the Ibero-American Observatory of Digital and Electronic Arts. Director of ASRI; Art and Society; Research...