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  • Robert W. Sweeny, PhD, is Professor of Art Education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He completed his doctoral work at Pennsylvania State University and his dissertation was titled ‘Net_Work_Ed: Simulated Bodies and Objects Intertwined in
  • Christiane Paul is Associate Prof. at the School of Media Studies, The New School, and Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts at the Whitney Museum of American Art. She has written extensively on new media arts and lectured internationally on art and
  • Dr Paul Thomas, is Professor of Fine Arts at, UNSW Art and Design, UNSW Sydney. Thomas initiated and is the co-chair of the Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference series since 2010. In 2000 Paul instigated and was the founding Director of the Biennale
  • Fundador y director de y Daft Gallery. Sociólogo especializado en la relación entre el arte y las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación 2.0. es una iniciativa independiente para promover y apoyar el Net.Art y el Arte
  • Independent art critic and curator, researcher in contemporary art and new media. PhD in Information and Knowledge Society, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and Bachelor in Art History from the University of Barcelona. He has developed his
  • (Buenos Aires, 1981) Works as an independent curator and cultural practitioner specialized in the digital and electronic scene. Her actual curatorial research is based on the development of Semiotopías, a neologism and curatorial saga she created as