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  • ...Beryl Graham is an artist, curator, writer and educator with a special interest in...
  • ...Jelena Guga is a theorist of arts and new media. Her work largely focuses on the...
  • ... and G-20 Summit. Grau's “Virtual Art. From Illusion to Immersion”, MIT...
  • ... Media Studies and Digital Art in their theoretical aspects. I...
  • ...Currently Director of NEoN Digital Arts. NEoN Digital Arts (SCIO) aims to advance...
  • ... in the 16th century mechanical arts and early visions of “Academy of...
  • ... Departments of Design Media Arts, and Film, Television, and Digital...
  • ... Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. 2001 – 2006: Professor...
  • ... French-speaking website on art, has carried the project for 20...
  • ... at Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton)....