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  • ... Communication, meaning both Digital Media Studies and Digital Art in their theoretical aspects. I have written two books on...
  • ...Currently Director of NEoN Digital Arts. NEoN Digital Arts (SCIO) aims to advance the understanding and accessibility of digital and...
  • ... Synesthesie in 1995, the first French-speaking website on art, has carried the project for 20 years (with an online and paper...
  • ... in Technological Culture & Aesthetics at Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton). Parikka has a PhD in Cultural History...
  • ... Studies, The New School, and Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts at the Whitney Museum of American Art. She has written...
  • ...Scholar: Arturo Valencia
  • ...Doutoranda em Artes Visuais PPGAV/UFRGS. Mestre em Artes Visuais com ênfase em Arte e Tecnologia PPGART/UFSM. Em 2014, publicou o livro "O...
  • ... datified existence and aesthetics. In 2018 she founded WIP arte digital, an online platform for the promotion and education in...
  • ... interest in the origins of science in the 16th century mechanical arts and early visions of “Academy of Sciences”. She has extensive...
  • ...Independent art critic and curator, researcher in contemporary art and new media. PhD in Information and Knowledge Society, Universitat Oberta...