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  • ... initiated and is the co-chair of the...
  • ... Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in...
  • Hybrid Art Digital Art BioArt Tranhumanism / Posthumanism
  • I am an art historian, specialized on intermedia art: performance art, conceptual art, computer art and net art.
  • ...Huhtamo works as a professor at the University of California...
  • ... Press 2003 (Book of the Month, Scientific American)...
  • Dozent für Kunstgeschichte im Studiengang KulturMediaTechnologie an der Musikhochschule Karlsruhe, freier Journalist, Kunstkritiker, Lektor, Vortragender, Dozent.
  • ... clothing as the media. Her work is an... Lisa Cianci (A.K.A Blackaeonium) is an artist, archivist, and...
  • Scholar: Jens Hauser
  • Scholar: Eveline Wandl-Vogt