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  • ... first digital groups worldwide Station Rose have used the potential of... visual media and the internet for performing in their work. Their... Station Rose/STR was founded in Vienna, Austria, in 1988 by Gary Danner (sound)...
  • ... Innsbruck, lives and works in Vienna. Studied painting at the Academy...
  • ... a permanent installation for the House of Music Vienna (2002;... for the House of Music Vienna (2002; collaboration with...
  • ... Platform at Zentrum Fokus Forschung since 2023. He has held other... media artist currently based in Vienna. In his artistic practice he...
  • ... is currently head of the Class for Interdisciplinary Arts at the... Interdisciplinary Arts at the Vienna Art School. He is co-founder of...
  • ... Amsterdam and nominated for the Dutch Film Award Gouden Calf in... Paula Strunden studied architecture in Vienna, Paris and London and worked at...
  • ... a discursive engagement with form and media culminates in critical... first recipient of the City of Vienna Award for Media Art (2014) and...
  • ... co-direction of the digital performance group kondition pluriel,... media art with Peter Weibel in Vienna, his work as an independent...
  • ... Curator at the CIVA Festival for New Media Art and is the Head of... curator, and educator based in Vienna. She is Senior Artist and...
  • ... the interactive sound object Forced Leisure was presented at the... I am an artist, living and working in Vienna. Having been trained at the...