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  • ... code. Dominic Harris is part of a small, and important, coterie of artists who are pushing the envelope of feasibility and redefining what is acceptable within the art world. Dominic graduated from Cranbrook Kingswood School in Michigan, and returned to...
  • ... railway, he has worked on high-profile projects including Kyushu University Ito Campus masterplan (2003-2005), Shinjuku redevelopment project in Tokyo (2009-2012), Bach Mai hospital in Hanoi (2000), and Qingdao mixed-use development in China (2011). He...
  • ... motion, and the subsequent passage of time. The formal aspect of my work becomes easily accessible through conscious aesthetic reduction to a minimalist vocabulary. Interpretation and understanding of this characteristic is dependent upon the viewer’s...
  • ... to destruction, removal or appropriation on the part of who wanted these works (a toi/for you). I have never considered reducing these objects to more "manageable" or "handier" sizes. I elaborated those structures in compliance with their 'vocational'...
  • ...Born 1968 in Redondo Beach, California (USA); 1986-1987 studied at Marymount College, Palos Verdes, CA; 1987-1991 studied at the Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA. Aitken lives and works in Los Angeles (USA). Aitken belongs to a generation of artist that...
  • ... Museum of Fine Arts in Taiwan. His projects have received worldwide recognition and have won several awards including the reddot design award, iF communication design award and the Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany. Christopher Bauder...
  • ... financial collapse. He has exhibited widely internationally including at the 2011 Venice Biennale, Fundació Miro Mallorca, Redline Gallery Denver, Saint-Étienne Biennale of Design, SIGGRAPH, FILE São Paulo, Art on the Net Tokyo, Seoul New Media Festival,...
  • ... Santiago, Cile), Coldfront-A vispo supplement, Rivista Risvolti (Edizioni Riccardi) and so on. Last publications: “.excursus” (Redfox Press, 2016), “Entropia del fuoco” (Eureka Edizioni, 2016, with text by Cristiano Caggiula), "Dietro le stagioni" (iQdB Ed., 2015,...
  • ... Leonardos’ in Brazil at the University of Brasilia and UNICAMP, based on the creative minds of artists and scientists to redefine the boundaries of Art and TechnoScience, investigating innovative practices for contributions to contemporary forms of Art. Her...
  • ... – ARTISTIC DYNAMIC ASSOCIATION ada is … Der Raum ist kein unbeschriebenes Blatt, er besitzt eingeschriebene Geschichte. Kein redundanter White Cube, eine Art Kunst-Club, ein Wohnzimmer im Draußen, öffentlich und doch privat. Die letzte unrenovierte Wohnung im...