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  • ... and concerts in Spain, Portugal, UK, Mexico, Colombia, Canada,...
  • ...eatriz Albuquerque lives and works between Porto and New York and is known for her...
  • ... are currently classified as portraits (Digital Portraits). My...
  • ... Farm Tableaux, produced a portrait of contemporary Finnish...
  • ... twice on the Today Show. CNN's Portrait of America featured him on a...
  • ...ANABELA COSTA 1958 b. Lisbon, Portugal. Lives in Paris. Visual Artist,...
  • ... Quick quick, Slow', Lisbon, Portugal 2008 residence, project...
  • ... «moya», a caricatural self-portrait, inspired by Pinocchio, in order...
  • ... of Wales College of Art, Newport, UK and the University of Kobe...
  • ... Laboratorio (Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Cile), Coldfront-A...