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  • I’m a Digital Artist & Graphic Designer from Cairo,Egypt. Most of my artworks are currently classified as portraits (Digital Portraits). My artwork is a product of improvisation and listening to a music track while working on each piece...
  • ... life through his collaborating with the philosopher Vilém Flusser, who wrote about Bec’s...
  • ...Marina Gržinić is a philosopher, theoretician, and artist based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2003, she...
  • ...Artist-philosopher, Hervé Fischer graduated from the école Normale Supérieure (rue d'Ulm, Paris). For...
  • ... and encounter the spiritual world of Islam – revealed via interactive mines and mine...
  • ... traditions, including Zen Buddhism, Islamic Sufism, and Christian mysticism. Using the...
  • ... of short stories. Instead of words, sentences and paragraphs, I use bolts, batteries,...
  • ... in their projects, such as scientists, philosophers and engineers, depending on the...
  • ... Musiktage, 1993 /1997, Prison Sentences, Philadelphia 1995, Sonambiente, Berlin...