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  • ... He's one of the founders of Mag.Net... WIll Eat Itself, Amazon Noir, Face to...
  • ... are displayed on the Web and also on... uses programming language as an activated...
  • ... in over 80 solo shows and 260 group... AKA the Digital Giraffe, with 46 years experience as a... oo"....
  • ... interest in the language of visual... representation, language, time, and...
  • ... Ubermorgen) in the last years. He... Ludovico), "Amazon Noir" (co-authors:...
  • ... His team seeks to change the “painted bits”... Hiroshi Ishii is the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of...
  • ... first video experiments; in the 1980s starts a video... and models of language as a semantic and...
  • ... and writes about young artists as well as... Peter Weibel is an artist, theorist, musician, curator... taking into account the history of...
  • ... behaviour change. Walking is central... and bridging the links between western...
  • ... the ability to change and respond to the... that have the ability to change and...