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  • ... medium to produce a veritable stream of imagery, the reliance upon... sequences of images in time and juxtaposition enabled complex...
  • ... von KünstlerInnen 2000 STREAM - Installation, Akademie Schloß... grün, HORCH, ldt. Edition CD and foliot, 1997 Jens P. Carstensen, 4...
  • ... A practitioner of architecture and digital media art, he was educated...
  • ... for underground or non-mainstream EDM events (Drum and Bass and... work involving printmaking and video. Since 2007 his primary focus...
  • ... choreograph multiple video streams across 28 monitors in a real... for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA) at the University...
  • ... Aires, 1957) is a composer and new media artist, educator,...
  • ...Artist: Andrea FerraioloComment:
  • ...Artist: Andreas HaiderComment:
  • ...Sound sculptor and media artist Timo Kahlen (*1966) chooses to work with the...
  • ... media artist, curator, writer and critic. She is a Research Fellow at...