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  • Sonja Bäumel lives and works in Vienna and Amsterdam. Her artefacts mediate between art and science, fashion and science, design and science, between clothes and body, between fiction and facts. Her works evolve from permanent confrontation with
  • Born in Washington, DC. Lives and works in Baitz and Berlin/Germany. Since 1990 director and founder of a Berlin-based art group called Die Audio Gruppe. Mostly known for incorporating loudspeakers into clothes, like ballerina tutus (AUDIO
  • Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1957, new media artist Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such
  • An Australian electronic musician, video artist and electronic engineer. "I have been active in video production since 1974. My first involvement was with Bush Video and the Paddington Video Access Centre where I learnt video editing and technical
  • Works together with his wife Jennifer.
  • Artist: Marley McdonaldComment:
  • Moya, the Artist living in his art work Performer, visual and digital artist, Patrick Moya make an art mediterranean, funny, baroque, generous and delightful. In Nice (big city near the sea), where he lives, he is the last part of the artistic
  • Lawrence Bird practices in the visual arts, architecture, and urban design. A fascination with images of cities and geography, and relationships between image and materiality, informs his visual art practise. He has worked for Sputnik Architecture,
  • Toni Dove has produced unique and highly imaginative embodied hybrids of film, installation art and experimental theater. In her work, performers and participants interact with an unfolding narrative, using interface technologies such as motion
  • Sue Hawksley graduated from the Royal Ballet School in 1983. She has performed with Mantis, Scottish Ballet Steps-Out, Rambert Dance Company and Philippe Genty, working with choreographers such as Trisha Brown, Merce Cunningham, Richard Alston,