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  • ... at the Bartlett School, University College, London. He...
  • ... work has been exhibited at the University of Miami Lowe Art Museum, the...
  • ... sound design classes at Özyeğin University in Istanbul. Tuğan aims to...
  • ... Museum of American Art, Duke University Rare Book & Manuscript...
  • ...Paula Strunden studied architecture in Vienna, Paris and London and worked at...
  • ... MAH Media Art Histories (Donau University, Krems, Austria). In 2011,...
  • ... art, hosted by the Danube University Krems in conjunction with...
  • ... inaugural director of the unified Graduate School of Art and...
  • ... in Music Composition from the University of Vienna, Austria I am able... from the University of Vienna, Austria I am able to expand my...
  • ... and Masterof Fine Arts in Uniarts, and currently, a doctoral...