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  • ... In addition to reviews in ZKM Mediagramm, Art Papers, Radio WBAI, NY, Huffington Post, Il Manifesto, Basler Zeitung, Neue...
  • ... Founder of the Brahamian Intelligence Service. He also runs a radioshow Burgerwaanzin at Radio Patapoe, Amsterdam NL. Living in...
  • ... and the Arts, conference in Amsterdam, and completed a web radio show for PS 1, Museum Of Modern Art in New York.
  • ... and assorted electronic parts, recycled amplifiers, radios/tuners, and one mixing board. Soldered together, this...
  • ... culture. He organizes the community festival AMRO Art Meets Radical Openness since 2018. He teaches at the Willem de Kooning...
  • ... She has been featured on Disney Channel, PBS and national radio show. Her work on "Cosmic Voyage" IMAX film has been reviewed...
  • ... Kac (pronounced "Katz") emerged in the early '90s with his radical works combining telerobotics and living organisms. His...
  • ... works include street art, performance, intervention, pirate radio, fax and mail art. In the 1990s, he became one of the...
  • ... (1971), he initiated many public participation projects with radio, television and print media in many European and Latin American...
  • ... form to digital information. In 2012, he presented the new vision “Radical Atoms” to take a leap beyond “Tangible Bits” by assuming a...