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  • ... of Technology Sydney on numerous new projects. (source:
  • education: 1999-2002 Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands (MFA) 1997-1999 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1995-1997 Hochschule Fuer Gestaltung, Pforzheim, Germany exhibitions: 2010 exhibition 'Info Deco Data: Work in
  • Curriculum designer and senior lecturer for New Media and Creative Arts modules at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 2008-2016: Cyber Hub Leader at Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Oxford, United Kingdom. Award-winning Net-Artist. 2004: Kunst am
  • Jaroslav Vančát, Ph.D. New media artist – multimedia art, digital art, computer art, interactive art, visual structuralism, conceptual art, video art Associate Professor at universities in the Czech Republic, new media, visual arts and creativity
  • Chiara Passa, visual artist (Rome 1973) working in media art since 1997. I am graduated (M.F.A.) from the Fine Arts Academy of Rome; Master in audio-visual media at the Faculty of Modern Literature. Lived around for several years. Now I am living
  • Lauren Lee McCarthy (she/they) is an artist examining social relationships in the midst of surveillance, automation, and algorithmic living. She is a 2021 United States Artist Fellow, 2020 Sundance New Frontier Story Lab Fellow, 2020 Eyebeam Rapid
  • Paolo Cirio called attention with his controversial work "Hacking Monopolism Trilogy": "Face to Facebook" (co-author: Alessandro Ludovico), "Amazon Noir" (co-authors: Alessandro Ludovico, Ubermorgen) and "Google Will Eat Itself" (co-authors:
  • Peter grew up around the world, studied math, and liked to build things. Using math to make pictures led him to computers, which led to trying to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a day job at
  • Mario Santamaría is a visual artist who works across a wide range of media, frequently using photography, video, performance, websites and online interventions. In recent years his work seeks to embody protocols and processes of information
  • Ubermorgen is a group of artists in Vienna, Austria, founded in 1999 by Hans Bernhard (founder of etoy) and Lizvlx. Ubermorgen focuses on exploring contemporary legal issues, especially those of security, privacy and copyright. Übermorgen is the