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  • ... Portugal, UK, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, Serbia, Russia, Hong Kong, the... Nacional de Mexico, MACBA Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona,...
  • ... and currently, a doctoral candidate at Aalto University with the...
  • ... at the Venice Biennale, Zagreb, Cannes, The National Academy of... for her pioneering work in the use of computers for what has since...
  • ... also explored how the computer can co-exist with continuous tone art... and hi res being 640 X 480 dpi. You could load floppy discs , the hard... the way computers could be used bv artists. Fortunately there was...
  • ... and patients of Breast Cancer. In September 2022 Baker... for BloombergTV
  • ... and ARCO Electronico Award WITH “Canal accessible”. Since then Antoni Abad... scuptural concepts to the use of new technologies, he moved from...
  • ... have been exhibited in Canada, Mexico, India, France and...
  • ... Kitchen (USA), Circulaire 132 (Canada), Letteratura e Società (Luigi...
  • ... shows in Italy, Serbia, Canada, USA, Slovenia, Bosnia, Albania,... with the Florentine Museums of Natural History. He curated...
  • ... with awards from the Canada Council for the Arts; Illinois... and social issues. She often uses 'food' to create artistic...