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  • ... shells and kelp, she emphasise how computational poetics and... processes with materialities can effectively intervene. appreciate visceral networks of data fauna and flora fiction. Nancy...
  • ... Portugal, UK, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, Serbia, Russia, Hong Kong, the...
  • ... and currently, a doctoral candidate at Aalto University with the... interests in relation to public knowledge, to commons...
  • ... example, her films have been shown and won awards at the Venice... at the Venice Biennale, Zagreb, Cannes, The National Academy of... Lillian F. Schwartz is best known for her pioneering work in the use of computers... the philosophy of art, whereby data bases containing information as to...
  • ... and Performance (pub. 2018), showcases exciting approaches and artists... and patients of Breast Cancer. In September 2022 Baker...
  • ... 2005), which explores how artists have extendended the... visualisation and the data traces of social processes. He has...
  • ... and ARCO Electronico Award WITH “Canal accessible”. Since then Antoni Abad...
  • ... the following year. However the true public debut of the... live mix video via apps that can run on a MacBook Pro. For a couple... Victor Acevedo is an artist best known for his digital work involving printmaking... combining it with photographic data is an opportunity to represent...
  • ... produces work that interrogates how old and new technologies have and... have been exhibited in Canada, Mexico, India, France and...
  • ... fostering the interdisciplinary knowledge derived from the artistic...