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  • ...Aaron Koblin, creator of the interactive version of House of Cards, on display in the exhibition, is an artist specialising in data visualisation. Koblin’s work has been shown at international festivals including Ars Electronica, SIGGRAPH, OFFF, the Japan Media Arts...
  • ... and an Australian Research Council Australian Professorial Fellowship (2011–2015). He is Director of the iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema Research, Deputy Director of the National Institute for Experimental Art (NIEA) at the University of New South...
  • ... of Tuscany/Italy and organised by the Tuscany Hi Tech Network. He is also the designer and Project Co-ordinator of a new Interactive art centre in Cordoba, Spain called CICOV (Centro Interactivo Cordoba Virtual).
  • ... software that captures tiny aspects of human creativity and imagination to produce series of generative drawings as well as interactive and audiovisual work. A deep concern with the external attributes – the affective and materialist parameters of how the...
  • ... Wildling, Markus Novak, shaGTT); rgb computer game with cellular automaton (2001; with Sepp Deinhofer); as well as the interactive computer installation timeBox (), shown at Arc Galerie in Vienna (2001). Since 2000, he has done one sound productions...
  • ... of technological forms of expression including 3D computer animation films, music videos, large-scale performance works, interactive art installations, video games, artificial life systems and virtual reality. Allen is not interested in technology for...
  • ... 1989 he received a B.Sc. in Physical Chemistry from Concordia University in Montréal, Canada. Electronic artist, develops interactive installations that are at the intersection of architecture and performance art. His main interest is in creating platforms...
  • ... he is currently associate professor. Martin Kusch’s artistic practice is rooted in the creation of media installations and interactive environments. Media hybridization and processes of transformation of electronic image and sound in a performative context...
  • ... and festivals have exhibited his computer art installations and performances. His work “Poetry Machine” (2001), an interactive text generator based on semantic networks, is part of the permanent collection at the Center for Art and Media Technology...
  • ... artist at the National Center for SuperComputing Applications, University of Illinois, and the American Academy in Rome. His interactive multimedia projects (Web, DVD, CD-ROM, Laserdisc) include: DOUBLE YOU (and X,Y,Z.), TransmissionS, TRACES, STRING CYCLES,...