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  • ... art practice extends across various media and genres, such as light and kinetic installations, video, drawings and virtual (mixed reality) art. In her video, light and kinetic work, Berlot investigates various forms and expressions of...
  • ... field”. Acevedo’s work was discussed at length in an important and influential book called From Technological to Virtual Art, written by art historian Frank Popper, (MIT Press 2007). His image called Springside Cynthesis and a descriptive blurb...
  • ...Computer scientist interested in data, artificial intelligence, interaction — in the exploration of plastic-sound virtualities through impulse and generative reinterpretation.
  • ... She is interested in the hybrid areas of transition between art and science, reality and virtuality, fiction and nonfiction, simplicity and complexity, solitude and community, the individual and nature, art and life. She...