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  • ... She is interested in the hybrid areas of transition between art and science, reality and virtuality, fiction and nonfiction, simplicity and complexity, solitude and community, the individual and nature, art and life. She...
  • ... Goldin and Jakob Senneby; exploring juridical, financial and spatial constructs through notions of the performative and the virtual. Their collaboration started with The Port (2004-06); acting in an emerging public sphere constructed through digital code....
  • ... Cruz Mountains in 2005. In performances and photographic series that seek out the intersections between physical and virtual space, Isabelle often draws upon such "low tech" sources as the public or private webcam, and her ongoing compulsive...
  • ... sculptures, his digital art evokes powerful emotions, reflecting the complexities of human identity and life's journey. In virtual reality, his exhibitions transport viewers into realms of boundless imagination, showcasing his ability to craft narratives...