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  • ...Biological theories, mathematical principles, and technology are founding elements in his work. He straddles the boundaries between video art, performance,, music, and painting. An amalgam of nuances from a world ruled by data overload. Marcello Mercado’s work...
  • ... exploration, hiking and mapping, as well as the majority of the more 'usual' digital art practices including coding, video and sound production. The majority of my work is realised in the form of installation, often employing robotics, custom...
  • ... which were programmed and awarded in international festivals devoted to avant-garde cinema, animation, media arts and video-arts. She is also involved in international...
  • ...Dejan Atanacković has presented solo exhibitions, video and audio installations, interventions in public space, as well as curatorial projects, since 1994. His works were exhibited in personal and collective shows in Italy, Serbia, Canada, USA, Slovenia, Bosnia,...
  • ...thirty years Rebecca Allen has investigated a variety of technological forms of expression including 3D computer animation films, music videos, large-scale performance works, interactive art installations, video games, artificial life systems and virtual reality. Allen...
  • ... multimedia techniques for creating intellectual and slightly subversive, artistic statements, in the form of installations, videos and DIY packages. This group, which could be called media artists, combines innovative visual techniques with scientific...
  • ... include art and technology, philosophy, interactive media, and embodiment. Her work spans multiple fields including video, installation, and performance art to express personal emotions and self-reflections utilizing technological and metaphorical...
  • ... is the author and maintainer of the GNU GPL'd softwares MuSE, FreeJ and Hasciicam, which allow audio streaming and real-time video manipulation, and of the live distribution dyne:bolic GNU/Linux, a whole operating system running directly from a CD, shaped as...
  • ... in its constant state of collision with the world. His work includes algorithmically-generated installation pieces for video, multichannel sound, and robotically-controlled objects, live digital solo and ensemble improvisation, and multichannel...
  • ...Max Hattler is an artist and academic who works with abstract animation, video installation and audiovisual performance. He holds a master's degree from the Royal College of Art and a Doctorate in Fine Art from the University of East London. His work has been shown at...