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  • ... to “get the darn things to generate pretty images easily”. Still striving for that goal, with a...
  • ... in the field of language and images. He was awarded a prize at the Madrid...
  • ... a citation chapter, Soundworks, as CD and images for Beyond 440 Cycles per Second by Volker...
  • ... these works, including sculpture, still images and film, adding further dimension to the...
  • ... In a darkened space layered images appear and disappear on suspended screens,...
  • ... With his installations, "panoscopic" images, and a device of his own making used to...
  • ... EXPOSICIONES INDIVIDUALES 2010 La imagen-velocidad. Espacio MeBaS, Museo de Bellas...
  • ... Visual Studies and his stereoscopic imagery and artwork has been exhibited in the US,...
  • ... soiety by promoting a healthy space for imagetic aprecitaion. He has done talks and...
  • ... London. I was also invited to exhibit at Images du Futur in Montreal, where despite being a...