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  • Manfred Mohr *1938 in Pforzheim, Deutschland, wo er an der Kunst- und...
  • ... of information and the ways they may be used to censor...
  • ... entertainment, consumer manipulation, and intellectual... us." from the artist's homepage a prolific artist and...
  • ... exhibitions include: Manifesta 10, Parallel Program,...
  • ... the deepest areas of human experience in the most modern... movement was the only way he could express the...
  • ... Aires, Argentina, The Mandeville Gallery, Schenectady,... traditional media as a way of transmitting concepts that...
  • ... relations and projects management at FILE. As well as...
  • ... has continued to demand my attention. My interest in... multiplicity in several ways. Earlier in my career I...
  • ... the B.Tween Festival in Manchester.
  • ... de la Imagen in Manizales, ESPACIO Fundación...