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  • ... at the Academy of Art in Carrara. He is one of the authors...
  • ... urban geographies and cartographies, noise, remix,...
  • ... San Francisco) and the Cartier Foundation, Paris. He has...
  • ... of experiences. I always carry out intense experimentation... can disturb the apparent naturalness of the codes that...
  • ... and Education (CARTE), Fellow of the Royal...
  • ... sometimes made of Carrara marble, fresco technique,...
  • ... in 1973 and along with Carolina Cruz-Neira, and Tom...
  • ... activity is also carried out in collaboration with... on the fusion of different media (video, music,...
  • ... Foundation (Eindhoven), Carusel (Helsinki), Electronic... Caltech in 2003. He currently teaches software, media,...
  • ... ways. Earlier in my career I created large-scale... of the medium’s inherent multiplicity in several ways....