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  • ...Mark J. Stock is an artist, scientist, and programmer who creates still and moving images combining elements of nature, physics, chaos,...
  • ...Reiner Strasser is an artist of traditional and digital arts. He studied art, art history and philosophy at the University of Mainz, Germany....
  • ... have been” scenario between the disciplines of interactive art, early and pre-cinema, and architecture. He is currently developing...
  • ... and general meditations on the liminal area between life and artificial life. SWAMP has been making work in this vein since 1999...
  • ... in Tokyo, graduated in 1988 from Nihon University, majoring in arts. He received a Masters from Paris Ecole National d’Art in 1992,...
  • ...Ed Tannenbaum was an Artist in Residence at the Exploratorium in San Francisco, Art Institute in Chicago, consulted and developed traveling...
  • ...Nell Tenhaaf is an electronic media artist, writer and educator. Tenhaaf works propose the deconstruction of the mainstream biological...
  • ...SHORT BIO Jon Thomson (b. 1969) and Alison Craighead (b. 1971) are artists living and working in London. They make artworks and installations...
  • ...Jane Tingley is an artist, curator and Assistant Professor at York University. Her studio work combines traditional studio practice with new...
  • ...David Tomas is professor in the École des arts visuels et médiatiques at the Université du Québec Montréal. In addition to being an artist whose...