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  • ... guest lectures and tutorials at art academies, media centers and...
  • ...Paul Vanouse is a biomedia artist based in New York. He holds a BFA from the...
  • ...Jaroslav Vančát, Ph.D. New media artist – multimedia art, digital art, computer...
  • ... a Portuguese transdisciplinary artist and researcher. He holds a...
  • ...Mari Velonaki has worked as an artist and researcher in the field of interactive...
  • ... Brazil. Bachelor of Visual Arts (EBA/UFMG), master with...
  • ... since graduating from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in 1949....
  • ...Victoria Vesna, Ph.D., is a media artist and Professor at the UCLA Department of...
  • ... active in the field of Robotic Art since 1992. His installation and...
  • ...Vanessa Vozzo is a media artist and professor. She has been working in art since...