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  • ... artist and programmer in the field of interactive...
  • ...Tjebbe van Tijen born in The Hague, lives and works in Hong Kong and...
  • ... He holds a BFA from the University at Buffalo (1990)...
  • ... at universities in the Czech Republic, new media,...
  • ... (Aberta University and the University of Algarve). He... Communication), a collaborator of ID+ research centre,...
  • ... artist and researcher in the field of interactive... Arts Setting" in collaboration with robotics...
  • ... in Arts (EBA/UFMG), the artist researches the... Janeiro (2012) | Mostra LABMIS, at MIS in São Paulo...
  • ...oman Verostko, a founding member of the algorists, has practiced...
  • ... artist and Professor at the UCLA Department of Design |...
  • Montreal, Bill Vorn is active in the field of Robotic Art since...