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  • ... MIT; his media installations, performances and...
  • I am an artist, living and working in Vienna. Having been trained at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Digital Arts), my focus is on sculpture and smart materials, with an interest in the intersections of art and science, as well as video art,
  • ... interactiveinstallations, art interventions,...
  • Working with computer based arts since the late 1960s. There should be humour and politics, at least sometimes, in art. Especially the humour and politics of digital art. I think art should be a more or less systematic enquiry whose goal is
  • ... and interactive installations. His art is in the...
  • Artist Statement: I am interested in exploring notions of transformation, energy transfer, bridging the conscious and unconscious realms, and rendering the invisible visible through action and reaction. The results manifest themselves either as an
  • I work to find an effective point of stability in the digital era, mixing together knowledges of psychological experience taken from physical interactions, with the ethereal circumstances of digital-induced situations. In my opinion, digitalism is
  • Rejane Spitz is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Art & Design at PUC-Rio University, Brazil. She was a Post-Doctoral researcher at CADRE-Laboratory for New Media /San Jose State University (California, USA) in 2003, and a
  • ... 2000 STREAM - Installation, Akademie Schloß...
  • I am an Australian Artist and Transdisciplinary Integration Expert Working Across Academia, Cultural and Private Sectors. Focussed on Augmentation Aesthetics, Bio-Digital Entanglement & Interactivity, Food Futures & Sustainability. I currently