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  • I am a prolific painter with an interest in contemporary technology and its potential uses in art production. I am conscientious artist with a deep concern for communities (past, present and mythical), people, science and the role of the individual
  • Peter C. Simon is a sound and video artist and curator whose current interests include sound art, field recording, DIY analog instruments and the connections between electroacoustics, extreme music, film and video and leftfield sciences. He holds MA
  • John F. Simon, Jr. is an artist who uses programming language as an activated extension of written language. His software programs are displayed on the Web and also on wall-mounted LCD screens. His software compositions never repeat. The beautiful
  • ... work explore identity, landscape,...
  • ... He is also President of C5, a research...
  • ... Rimbun Dahan residency in Malaysia in 2017,...
  • ... Artist in Residence at ZiF Center for...
  • Working with computer based arts since the late 1960s. There should be humour and politics, at least sometimes, in art. Especially the humour and politics of digital art. I think art should be a more or less systematic enquiry whose goal is
  • Scott Snibbe is a pioneering digital artist and entrepreneur whose work includes apps, video, and interactive installations. His art is in the permanent collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), which in
  • Artist Statement: I am interested in exploring notions of transformation, energy transfer, bridging the conscious and unconscious realms, and rendering the invisible visible through action and reaction. The results manifest themselves either as an