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  • ... a strong insistence upon the linkage between...
  • An Australian electronic musician, video artist and electronic engineer. "I have been active in video production since 1974. My first involvement was with Bush Video and the Paddington Video Access Centre where I learnt video editing and technical
  • Sound sculptor and media artist Timo Kahlen (*1966) chooses to work with the ephemeral: with wind and steam, with light and shade, with pixels and dust, with sound, noise and vibration. His work has been shortlisted for various renowned
  • Kim Yunchal, born 1970, studied music and composition at Chugye University for the Arts, continued his studies at the art academy for media in Cologne. He is a musician, perfomer and artist.
  • ... The artworks reflect upon the condition of art making...
  • photography-film-coffee-neural networks-quantum physics-string theory-astrophysics-art-books-dogs
  • Programmer and artist from Cologne, Germany. Studied art and design at the Academy of media arts in Cologne, Computer science and Sociology at the University of Dortmund.
  • She ist an artist and digital systems and media researcher. Aiming to get close to a symbiotic relationship beween human and artificial systems, her research focuses human-computer interfaces: she develops body-space integrating systems for
  • Artist: Anne-Sarah Le MeurComment:
  • Artist: Segal LiatComment: