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  • ... he organized┬áthe┬áArt of the Networked Practice | Online Symposium, a global event which...
  • ... visual art disciplines, Dejan's new media practice is founded on research and...
  • ... on television> He has continued his practice of painting over the decades but has also...
  • ... film and new media studies and their practice-based applications in the field of fine...
  • ... images and installations, her practice merges historical, post-photographic,...
  • ... structures and environments. His art practice delves into areas defined by memories and...
  • ... at Kingston University. His artistic practice often involves a meaningful interaction...
  • ... London. His doctoral work was a practice-led research in multimedia theatre,...
  • ... of Vienna, Austria I am able to expand my practice beyond the traditional Fine Art context....
  • ...Joseph Nechvatal's contemporary art practice engages in the fragile wedding of image production and...