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  • ... as an international visiting professor within Research in Network...
  • ... Blurb show, an Internet radio program originally on WPS1 Art Radio,...
  • ... a member of various research projects at the Universitat Autónoma de...
  • ... of Plymouth, UK, where he is Professor of Technoetic Arts. In March...
  • ... back. Kim did several net art projects, often based on data taken...
  • ... space, as well as curatorial projects, since 1994. His works were...
  • ... Joerg Auzinger realizes his projects interactively and...
  • ... in 2008 and BA in Media Production from The Evergreen State...
  • ... Festival; B-Seite Biennial). Projects have been distinguished with...
  • ... Germany Since 1998 Freelance Programmer 1999 - 2001 Computer Science...