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  • ... projections, 3D particle systems, dynamics, and code. The... and psychological states using computer graphics, sensors,...
  • ... Engineer at Sun Microsystems Labs in Menlo Park, California.... comprehensive architecture for computer-based interactive fantasy and...
  • ... with machines and computational systems. He received undergraduate and...
  • ...Richard Brown has a BSc in Computers & Cybernetics and an MA in Fine Art and...
  • ...Writer and computer programer working on issues in philosophy, technology, and...
  • ... theory and Al, organised systems, cybernetics and complex... in 8 important pioneers in computer graphics and video synthesis...
  • ... educator, focusing on human-computer interactivity and virtual...
  • ... his artwork, he is inspired by systems theory, the nature of...
  • ... fabricates interactive media systems. Currently, he is a candidate...
  • ... in sectors as diverse as art, computer science, anthropology,...