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  • ... of Mobile Image’s manifesto for their Electronic Cafe... with Kit Galloway under the moniker Mobile Image...
  • ... audiovisual performances and scenographies, for...
  • ... no others forms of human inquiry and development could.... and our habitats in ways no others forms of human...
  • ... electronic design, manufacturing and optical digital... an imaginary halfway between science fiction and...
  • Manu Luksch, founder of Ambient Information Systems (ambientTV.NET,)...
  • ...Lev Manovich is an artist and a theorist of new media. He was born in...
  • ...Aymeric Mansoux has taken part in many artistic experiments based on...
  • ... images and enabling new ways of thinking. Markus Riebe’s...
  • ... social media as performance, iPhone apps that create... is concerned with the ways that digital networks are...
  • ... he has focused on the many forms of power but... of the many ways in which power, particularly...