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  • ... award in 1985. He exhibited at the 42nd Biennale de Venezia, Italy, 1986 and the...
  • ... several student exhibitions (Ogaki Biennale, 2003 and the IAMAS Campus Exhibition at...
  • ... as part of the Venice Architectural Biennale events sponsored by the British Council...
  • ... been shown and won awards at the Venice Biennale, Zagreb, Cannes, The National Academy of...
  • ... Open International Artist Award, Florence Biennale Mixed Media 2nd Place Award, The...
  • ... in the White Cube", 22nd International biennale of graphic design. Brno, Czech Republic,...
  • ... included technical support for the Biennale of Sydney 1976, 79, 82, 84, technical...
  • ... of “Sonic-Differences” as part of the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth 2004.. Although the...
  • ... participated in a number of international biennales and in Documenta X (1997) and XI (2002)....