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  • ... Program MediaAC, Department for Image Science (Danube University Krems), and CEAVVE DD OCADU in Toronto, editorial Board of Digital Creativity, consultant and advisory member in events of Societies ISEA, Leonardo and others. Publications of high impact at...
  • ... (DK). His projects have been reviewed on BBC, Forbes, Reuters, ARTE.TV, Wired, RTVE, El Pais, ResonanceFM, Weave, Create Digital Music, We Make Money Not Art and Digicult.
  • ... of Alternator Studio and Project Space in Birkenhead and was Board Member of East Street Arts (2016-20). He initiated the digital FOUR WORDS project in 2016 and recently curated the 2xLP collection Conversations with the Anthony Burgess cassette archive...
  • ... Embrace: visionary theories of art, technology and consciousness, New Media in the Late 20th-Century, Video Art, and Digital Art. (source:
  • ... about our entanglement as individuals in current socio-economic situations. Eckermann works with various media including digital and physical environments, installations, videos, objects, and sculptures. Eckermann is the first recipient of the City of...
  • ... creates manifestations of the random. Using arbitrary decisions and consciously brought about glitches in machines and digital systems she creates poetic experiences that recontextualize the normal, producing works that are both surprising and...
  • ... Spain, and the 49th Venice Biennale, respectively. The project downJones sendMail - Is It Viral Marketing? was featured at digital_is_not_analog.02 (Milano), and as part of the exhibition "I love you - computer_viruses_hacker_culture" at the Museum of...
  • ... Art (CAAC) of Cuenca. Moreover, she is the co- author of numerous research articles, essays and publications about Digital art & culture, among them: Museos. Del templo al laboratorio. La investigación teórica by Juan Carlos Rico, La enseñanza de...
  • ...F.A.B.R.I.CATORS is a digital media company specializing in: Interactive Technology, Virtual Reality, Interactive Media, Networking, Robotics, Digital Media and Integrated Media. The company operates in the fields of: Art, Design, Architecture, Edu-Entertainment,...
  • ... Africa analyzing globalized societies by looking at the representation of its symbols. He also holds a Master’s degree in Digital Communication and Media, University of Applied Arts, Vienna. As an artivist and curator he is the inventor of the homographic...