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  • Dr. Manthos Santorineos (Athens Greece 1954) Digital media artist - researcher Emeritus professor at Athens School of Fine Arts Director of FournosLab Co-founder of the Fournos Multivalent Communication Network (1993) and the Mediaterra festival
  • “Art is the Signature of our Species.” "Michael Saup’s work focuses on the underlying forces of nature and society; an ongoing research project into what he calls the “Archaeology of Future”. His research focus in recent years has been on
  • ... prized by Golden Lion, Cannes, Ars...
  • Simon Schiessl is an engineer and artist. Trained in physics and engineering in Munich and Berlin, he designs and fabricates interactive media systems. Currently, he is a candidate for an MS degree at the MIT Media Lab. Schiessl is an artist whose
  • Steven Schkolne was born in Cape Town in 1976, and raised in the eastern United States. He received his PhD from Caltech in 2003. He currently teaches software, media, and tech culture as faculty at Calarts. His online work has been associated with
  • ...egory Lasserre and Anais met den Ancxt are two artists...
  • ... design identity for the onedotzero...
  • ... Artist in Residence at the Computer...
  • Heir of cybernetic art, artist and programmer, Antoine Schmitt uses programming as a material to produce installations, CD-ROMs, online exhibitions, and performances in which he confronts the public or performers with autonomous abstract dynamic
  • Ruth Schnell is an Austrian media artist, professor for media arts and curator. She has been working with computer-aided tools since the mid-1980s. Her artistic research focusses on examining the perception of images/sound/language in connection