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  • Daniela Alina Plewe is a media artist, professor and entrepreneur. She had a Phd from Sorbonne Paris and a M.A. in Experimental Media Studies from the University of Arts Berlin and a B.A. in Philosophy- Artificial Intelligence/Logics. She works in
  • ... public interventions, curating and directing art and community projects and writing. She has been creating media and...
  • ...Stephen Travis Pope is an award-winning composer, film-maker, computer scientist and social activist based in Santa Barbara, California. He is...
  • ... Award in 2003.[5] The Fraunhofer Institute, Bonn, and the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT have...
  • ... heart surgeons to radically re-envisage the human body. Her commitment to the field of interdisciplinary and collaborative...
  • ... in which sequences of images in time and juxtaposition enabled complex interactions of meanings to be created. The advent of computer...
  • ... and Sonia Boyce, at the University of East London, going on to complete a combined practice/theory Phd in Fine Art (2004). She is...
  • ...Schahram Poursoudmand Music & Sound Artist I Composer I Visual Imagist I Poet Schahram Poursoudmand is a German experimental, avant-garde...
  • The founding members of rAndom International: Hannes Koch (b. 1975, Germany), Florian Ortkrass (b. 1975, Germany) and Stuart Wood (b. 1980, UK), met while at Brunel University in 2002 and went on to study together at the Royal College of Art,
  • ... the media art group Knowbotics Research. He write a generative computer program called Tierra that emulate evolution in digital...