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  • ... Professional profile • Researcher of the Interactive Communication Group of DigiDoc, UPF. • Professor of Interactive...
  • ... was made in partnership with Pride in Plymouth and the LGBTQ+ community for an international project inspired by the writings of...
  • Irena Paskali was born 1969 in Macedonia, she currently lives and works in Cologne, Germany. Before studying at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, where she finished her Master of Arts in 2007, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Skopje. The
  • ... to explore architecture as interface. I use VR and AR to comprise their intrinsic language and so on for shaking-up and...
  • ... phenomenology, human-computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, robotics, critical theory, cultural and media studies....
  • ...Paula Perissinotto is an accomplished and experienced curator and festival organizer who has made significant contributions to the field of new...
  • ... since 2008 working for RCSI, (Research Center for Shared Incompetence) 2003-2004 Heinrich-Klotz Stipendium / Artist in...
  • ... create illusionary effects over objects. The installations become virtual environments for performance to take place, often inviting...
  • ... of Italy XII Florence Biennial of International Award. After coming back to Taiwan from America in 1989, Lin first had a solo...
  • ... The relation between art and science, mind and society, communication and interaction are the central topics of the research....