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  • ... complex artist, his work is far from the one liner. In 2001 'Westway' was shown...
  • ... and conducts workshops worldwide. He pioneered the development of architecture for...
  • Bob O ' Kane is a professional ""linker"" between art and technology. He used interfaces in order to collaborate with other fellow artist such as Ulrike Gabriel , Peter Weibel and Jeffrey Shaw. Graduated from the Media Studies at Buffalo, he work
  • ... with works appearing as part of the onedotzero Adventures in Motion Festival, Royal...
  • I am a New Zealander based in Berlin. I've been active in the critical intersection of art and technology since 1998. My projects and the occassional paper have been presented at many museums, international electronic-art events and conferences,
  • ... America, Art Review, Slashdot, We-Make-Money-Not-Art, Todayʼs Machining World,...
  • Orlow's work tackles the impossibility of narrating or representing the past and addresses the spatial conditions of history and memory. Spanning locations in Africa, the Arctic, Eastern Europe and Switzerland, his work can often be seen to employ a
  • ... including Laurie Anderson, Bill T. Jones, and Martha Rosler. Ostrowski has collaborated...
  • Owens is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and curator interested in the influence of digital networks and communication systems on contemporary aesthetics and the production of subjectivity. She is Director of Cornell Council for the Arts and
  • Jack Ox is a media artist working on visualisation of music for more than 25 years. She is Professor at The University of New Mexico and Co-director of SARC (Science Art Research Collaboration). She had been in the editorial board of Leonardo since